
Phantoms of Bribie

Phantoms of Bribie - A gripping tale of Vietnam, leadership, and success in both military and civilian life. Read more..

Experience the gripping tale of Phantoms of Bribie, a captivating blend of Vietnam War stories and corporate life. Order now from military specialists and discover the courage and leadership that defines the Australian combat infantryman.

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Order now from the military specialists: Phantoms of Bribie - From the jungles of Vietnam to corporate life and everything in between.

The Phantoms of Bribie is a highly readable blend of an engaging yarn and a fascinating portrayal of operational service in Vietnam. Ian Mackay, a former SAS member and company commander, leads his brave soldiers in close quarter jungle fighting. This gripping account follows Bravo Company 6 RAR as they face a well dug in and determined enemy during Operation Bribie.

Ian's experience in the military translates seamlessly into his successful career in the Australian and international business worlds. As a multi-talented sportsman, particularly in Rugby Union, Ian brings his passion and expertise to the forefront. Through interesting and often humorous examples, he highlights the difference between leadership and management, emphasizing their importance in both civilian and military organisations. Ian also emphasizes the crucial qualities of effective decision making and communication in a good leader.

Phantoms of Bribie is a tribute to Ian Mackay's exceptional qualities as a battlefield commander, international sportsman, successful businessman, and entertaining author.